Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you?
Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if the mirror started talking to me.
I guess my reaction would depend on just what the reflection was saying to me.
Although, is it my reflection talking or the mirror itself?
My own reflection would freak me out more than the actual mirror.
I guess I could play Evil Queen and ask the mirror all sorts of questions.
But what if the mirror isn't all-knowing?
If the mirror can't answer my questions, what would be the point in having a talking mirror?
I guess my laptop is like a magic mirror.
Aside from being all-knowing, I can also see my reflection in the screen.
Screen, screen in my lap, why is it so hard to nap?
Why do I wake up earlier than my alarm?
How come the garbage truck comes at 4am?
Why do flip flops in the summer undo perfectly good pedicures?
Why am I just now comparing magic mirrors to laptops?
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